【java电子书】ZooKeeper: Distributed Process Coordination PDF 电子书 百度云 下载
java自学网(www.javazx.com)-java论坛,java电子书推荐:《ZooKeeper: Distributed Process Coordination》java电子书推荐理由:ZooKeeper: Distributed Process Coordination。ZooKeeper contributors FlavioJunqueira and Benjamin Reed introduce the principles of distributedsystems, provide ZooKeeper programming techniques, and include theinformation you need to administer this service.
作者:Flavio Junqueira
出版社:O'Reilly Media
Building distributed applications is difficult enough withouthaving to coordinate the actions that make them work. Thispractical guide shows how Apache ZooKeeper helps you managedistributed systems, so you can focus mainly on application logic.Even withZooKeeper, implementing coordination tasks is nottrivial, but this book provides good practices to give you a headstart, and points out caveats that developers and administratorsalike need to watch for along the way.In three separate sections, ZooKeeper contributors FlavioJunqueira and Benjamin Reed introduce the principles of distributedsystems, provide ZooKeeper programming techniques, and include theinformation you need to administer this service.
[*]Learn how ZooKeeper solves common coordination tasks
[*]Explore the ZooKeeper API’s Java and C implementations and howthey differ
[*]Use methods to track and react to ZooKeeper state changes
[*]Handle failures of the network, application processes, andZooKeeper itself
[*]Learn about ZooKeeper’s trickier aspects dealing withconcurrency, ordering, and configuration
[*]Use the Curator high-level interface for connectionmanagement
[*]Become familiar with ZooKeeper internals and administrationtools
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