2023年5-8月雅思口语题库/2023年5-8月口语新题参考答案及音频/2023年5-8月口语新题音频8 m" n, g; ~' u, W# H+ n
├──Part1音频 ! ^% [) b- T7 r2 M3 r m ]
| ├──Part1 fix things.mp3 2.31M
* F) v8 [0 q8 x$ \6 _" w| ├──Part1 ice cream.mp3 2.12M8 F2 k E) K9 D0 h6 g% T! z
| ├──Part1 wild animals.mp3 2.25M) H) T2 d5 D `9 |' V. j4 q
| ├──(5.10更新)Part1 The city you live in.mp3 2.75M
1 c! \0 F8 E3 j1 i: U. O" |+ q| ├──(5.11更新)Part1 teachers.mp3 2.25M- @* h! w+ t+ D) M% ~5 k" F- u) c
| ├──(5.6更新)Part1 ambition and dream.mp3 2.51M1 G$ _+ @! m% c1 D' r2 w
| ├──(5.6更新)Part1 concentration.mp3 2.54M1 L5 _! n) q o# ^( v% b8 D
| ├──(5.6更新)Part1 Friends.mp3 2.24M: t) Z3 G. H0 H2 H
| ├──(5.6更新)Part1 Languages.mp3 2.91M
% u, p7 n! P' _! D8 y; A| ├──(5.8更新)Part1 bags.mp3 2.70M
4 h; H- E) i! c4 w8 L e2 O| ├──(5.8更新)Part1 day off.mp3 2.41M* Y( ]8 \: U- W( k# O& _4 Z
| ├──(5.8更新)Part1 rainy days.mp3 2.10M; E) D1 n/ @+ N* r
| ├──(5.9更新)Part1 Favorite day.mp3 2.19M- Q9 j- G! X& H" d( N8 M4 x
| └──(5.9更新)Part1 keeping healthy.mp3 2.16M
& ^' T4 J1 A) w└──Part2音频
2 u3 h2 p8 J" s4 f| ├──Part 2_Describe a long car journey you went on.mp3 2.70M
7 \& n& Y' p9 x" k- U1 s, q| ├──Part 2_Describe an occasion when you lost your way.mp3 3.00M
" _8 V6 q0 |) M7 w( q2 f| ├──Part2 a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.mp3 3.03M" Y7 h2 b! k' A( |
| ├──Part2 a new shop that recently opened in your city.mp3 2.97M0 v- I2 Y; Q) H1 {8 o5 y
| ├──Part2 an occasion when you spent time with a young child.mp3 2.42M: I1 I. {5 e: r- j+ y
| ├──(5.10更新)Part2 a happy experience in your childhood.mp3 4.52M) \+ }* I- J- N9 K: l" S
| ├──(5.10更新)Part2 a place you went to where there are a lot of people.mp3 3.32M+ v/ @% W. l' Y& @/ M$ W
| ├──(5.10更新)Part2 a time when you saved money to buy an expensive gift for others.mp3 4.24M& R. ^, ~. D2 q) O
| ├──(5.10更新)Part2 someone living in your area who often helps others.mp3 3.76M
' k6 |6 Q$ u5 R3 f1 y1 A b| ├──(5.11更新)Part2 a popular person.mp3 3.53M) S9 l; f( _, {5 U( i" |
| ├──(5.11更新)Part2 a traditional festival in your country.mp3 3.73M
3 z6 P( d$ L1 n| ├──(5.11更新)Part2 an occasion when you got incorrect information.mp3 3.35M
; k$ w) `- l* O* ]; r& E+ _* a| ├──(5.12更新)Part2 a book you have read many times.mp3 3.56M
4 p* T1 L, D8 ]6 r- w. Y% d| ├──(5.12更新)Part2 an important decision you made in life.mp3 3.58M
+ }9 w& m5 X) ]| ├──(5.15更新)Part2 a place far away from your home that you want to visit it in the future.mp3 3.25M
6 e; f0 s I, ?! ^5 `, B: g| ├──(5.15更新)Part2 a sport you enjoy watching.mp3 3.37M
0 J$ I& j" e$ c6 b" U8 }| ├──(5.15更新)Part2 a time when you had to talk to a group of people.mp3 3.39M$ F- d# x0 u# Z5 V4 D% U
| ├──(5.15更新)Part2 a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy.mp3 3.71M
+ @% s6 L( R) m7 G% P( H1 ^" K| ├──(5.6更新)Part2 a job you are interested in.mp3 3.11M
/ p8 E# O0 ]' d" T" b9 @/ C| ├──(5.6更新)Part2 a piece of clothing you wear most often.mp3 2.68M3 g! x( U9 O; z) q D
| ├──(5.6更新)Part2 an exciting adventure you would like to go on.mp3 3.51M
( ?7 [$ [% W) [, M| ├──(5.8更新)Part2 a game you played in your childhood.mp3 2.67M
8 ?/ k3 z' R$ D0 \' ?| ├──(5.8更新)Part2 an invention that is useful in your daily life.mp3 4.28M
0 E% @* g0 S8 l! [1 E \8 a7 H| ├──(5.9更新)Part1 keeping healthy.mp3 2.16M0 @9 j7 G7 o6 ~
| └──(5.9更新)Part2 a water sport you would like to try in the future.mp3 3.16M
# D. t0 T% N. E5 L; W% j1 `
; B6 _# N! y9 `& M4 z
8 T6 @' o$ Q' k( o" z6 L6 Q' B. y$ w P7 v# g8 t1 u& ]- k# H
% m; B' O; S) V( t, t5 l
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- `+ Q ~- a2 c+ i' `$ {
+ D7 E+ k% _; q" y; Z
) a+ H& F- b2 \
6 j/ R% y+ c. v) N1 j1 {- T本资源由Java自学网收集整理【www.javazx.com】 |